OHH what a week I have had! First off… This profession is no joke.. You really must have a heart of steel to be able to cope with the matters I put up with. As a social worker in the states I’m solely therapeutic so I mostly deal with depression, drug and alcohol issues, psychosis, anxiety,…the norm. Here I’m in front line social work; the kind that people stereotype social workers to do. .. in essence I safe guard children; which is VERY difficult. I still do the therapy but it’s not the glitz and the glam I’m use too. It’s not “come into my office so we can discuss how you are feeling” it’s more like “can you properly care for your child?”…SO with that being said; I had to remove a child at birth this week and it has to be the worst thing I have EVER done. It’s amazing to think that I had to be the one that introduced baby to world. First trip outside of the hospital was in my arms and not his own mother’s. It’s an honor that I can keep this child safe however; painstaking that this mother has lost that awesome opportunity. I have pain for her. And to think a group of individuals and a judge have decided the faith of a 3 day old baby… Sad...Amazing... Speechless...If only we could turn back the hand of time….. Right so enough of that! Hate to make people cry.
Second off..WHY do we still have snow and it ONLY snowed one day.. Last Monday! Do they not believe in salt… oh yeah.. they ran out…
Now for the actual purpose of this blog (photos).. LOL.. Jack and Jill went up the hill and came back with a package LOL his name is “bucket”. And Jack can't deny this birth (he looks JUST like Jake; clearly i been watching alot of "Maury")Although, the time scale doesn't match at.... Actually….. flatmate’s boyfriend brought her this… I except another for Vday.. LOL

I thought the light in this one was cool..
Jill was getting a bit jealous so she had to get in the picture as well... Texture though..