Very anticipated event for me and thousands others! Buynol tomato fight.. THE BIGGEST FOOD fight in the world!!! I think it started back in 1944 by two guys that were rebelling against authority… now it’s a reason to get drunk, give someone a black eye with a tomato and then the person smile about it! (and neither I did I don’t think lol)
I must admit after I heard the first horn I was thinking “I don't think this was a good idea!” I wanted to run for the high heavens and say screw this I'm taking my ball and I'm going home but of course I stuck it out and it was the best ever.. Having any excuse to cream the guy next to you with a tomato and deliberately chuck food across the way to hit someone was the best. A place were a black eye is expected.. NICE. Just a few tips that I didn't read on a blog to share with ya.
GIVE UP on getting the HAM... Okay so the tradition is that the fight starts after a guy (or girl) gets a Ham from the top of a 10ft pole. Well watching dudes attempt to get the ham from the pole is one of the most frustrating activities. It's like watching a bad movie you can't look away from. I literally watched people for an hour and a half fight each other, bite, kick, push, punch, and step on each other’s face to ATTEMPT to get to the top of a super lathered soapy pole..anyhow.. They NEVER got the ham!
No need to shower the day before.. It's a waste of time water and soap.. However it's very courteous to do so.. Train rides are packed and full of drunk people from the night b4. We got there at the butt crack of dawn so many never made it home (literally we left about 6am).
Don't drink the night before... Those were the ones that was pulling to the side @ 7am the morning needing to upchuck. Just think about it like this; standing for HOURS (my legs STILL hurt), heat that feels like entry to hell, and now you have to go fight.. Good luck with that.. My dear friend did start breakfast though with 3 cans of beer for breakfast just because they were €1.. Got to live it.
Wear swim gear! Goggles, swim suits, swim cap:) the whole kit and caboodle.
One of the things I wish I would have done was wear a swim suit under my clothes that way i can just take clothes off and rinse in swim suit.. But it wasn't horrible.. There were soo many times that I had to stop and find a clean spot on my shirt to wipe my eyes... Didn't last long though LOL.. After about 20mins I had no clean spots.
Check out the video and it's clear I was not playing around with my hair! lol I opted for just a tight plastic bag and not a shower cap or a swim cap because it fit tighter.. SMARTEST thing i did.. Granted I was a target because everybody tried to take it off but once I balled my fist they realized a black chick and her hair wasn’t to play with.. I'm so happy i wasn’t one of the ones that had to visit the shower two and three times to get chucks of embedded tomato out. OH and the smell!!!! it's like it never goes away.. Wash good!! When u think it's gone it's not!
No flip flips.. U will lose them..and of course wear stuff you can throw away immediately. I carried a draw string bag that I didn't mind losing.. In the bag was another plastic bag with a change of clothes.. This saved my life LOL.. After the fight we went and washed off in a horrible nasty river that I'm sure I caught something from. Then I was able to toss those and put my clean ones on.. Best thing ever!!! The smell of tomatoes, B.O, and heat does not mix!
Get a waterproof disposal camera. There were several people that used their digital camera with a plastic sleeve around it... Not sure how those are going to come out lol..
I actually caught quite a lot of footage however I was fighting so hard I pushed the delete button and erased my before shots:( all good though..hopefully my cheap disposal (that wasn't waterproof) comes out half decent LOL
Eat the street food; it's the BEST!! There's something about getting the fattiest piece of bacon on a baguette from a one eyed Spanish cowboy with finger nails longer than mine and occasionally breaks out in full song. I'm sure there was salmonella just under his finger nails but what the heck.. Any reason not to go to work LOL're so lucky you got to go! Antonio Banderas was on Conan recently and talked about the tomato-throwing tradition! Glad you got to check this off of your to-do list!