So being home in the day time has opened my eyes to day time television which is even WORST then after 5 TV. I thought Sally Jessie Rachael, old school Ricki Lake and repeats of Jerry Springer were the pit of the day but sadly there are even worst! One time I saw this show where they show embarrassing illnesses and people go into the GP (doctor) to get them checked out. I was flipping through the channels and ran across the show one day and actually say the doctor put his finger up the women’s butt!!!! I don’t think this is abnormal because sometimes that’s what u got to do when u become a doctor; what I think is abnormal is it actually being shown on TV!!! OMG! Nasty I actually saw her booty hole. Ugh my stomach as turned reliving the moment. Anyway. Back to morning TV.. I was up and came across this TV show called
KNTV SEX. First of all, it was odd because it’s 10:30am and why is anything coming on that says SEX (ain’t this suppose to be late night under the sheets talk?!?!?!) . So of course, curiosity kills the cat and I have to turn to it. I pretty much stare in amazement because it’s basically a cartoon.. Not basically, it is a cartoon. And this particular one I watch talked about masturbation… ooooohhh wait a minute.. cartoons talking about masturbation.. I’m just not sure about! They question people on the street regarding their first experience with masturbation; wet dreams etc… I felt ashamed to watch it but it was clearly tailored towards children because there were questions that I hear on a daily bases at work.. it was odd and I thought it was a one off… yeah no… I watched it again the next day..This time it was about contraception…it was pretty funny one time when a girl asked a question about her boyfriend. She said she was always arguing with him and wanted to make it better so she thought about having a baby and would stop taking her birth control. One advisor told her yeah go for it that should bring them closer and the other one said no of course and gave her reasons why not... great information and it is good for children to hear it from someone other than their unknowledgeable friends and parents but I do think there is a boundary but I’m not sure where that line should be drawn…the show is pretty entertaining and interesting BUT I’m not sure if this is for kids..To say Britain is open and liberal is an understatement.. it continues to shock me day in and day out.. you got to check out the
….and not that this pic has anything to do with what I’m chatting about LOL…BUT it’s one of the many sites I say when I was at CARNIVAL in LONDON 09..
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